Your Ultimate Handyman Solution


The better, quicker, and faster way to getting job done. Watch the video for more

How It Works

HandyConnect: Your one-stop solution for diverse services! From furniture assembly and party catering to home remodeling, house landscaping, child caring, and heavy lifting, HandyConnect offers a wide range of handy services to meet all your needs

Sign up for free

Register to be part of Handyconnect network of users who are able to get the help needed to complete jobs.

Post Jobs

Post jobs with required details to ensure quick response from our diverse service providers.

HandyConnect: Simplifying job posting! An intuitive platform where posting a casual job is easy and straightforward, ensuring a hassle-free experience seeking reliable and skilled individuals for various tasks
HandyConnect:  A user-friendly platform that enhances the experience of both service providers and job owners, fostering efficient and clear communication for a better, more collaborative handy work experience

Message and Select Service Provider

Listed jobs will be available to service providers in your neighborhood or geo-location and interested providers will be able to bid for the job. Select from list of bidders, chat with the service provider of your choice.

Award Job and Make Payments

Handyconnect provides Contactless payment. All payments are made online

Secure and Reliable Payments. Handyconnect ensures a dependable payment process, offering a secure and transparent transaction experience for both service providers and job owners.
From furniture assembly and party catering to home remodeling, house landscaping, child caring, and heavy lifting, HandyConnect is your dedicated platform for a wide range of expert handy services.

Closeout Job

Congratulations, your job is completed! Respond to job closeout confirmation from your service provider. Rate your service provider and also drop comments about the completed job. Provider will also do same about you.