Posting Chores and Handyman Jobs

Handyman Services at a click!

Are you finding it hard to get handyman services to install, repair, fix, build, or get resources for house chores, yard work, garage projects, and professional services?  

Handyconnect is the go-to system for seamless sourcing of multiple handyman in real-time based on geo-location to get tasks done better, quicker, and faster. With our community of diligent, qualified, and verified service providers, we alleviate the stress of spending valuable time searching for help and often times ending up with service providers without a background check, or proven performance. 

Our system enables proposal generation by mapping your job requisition to multiple partner-service providers based on skills, capabilities, and geolocation. You will also have the benefit of comparing proposals based on feasibility, cost, proposed duration, and the profile of the service providers before engaging them.

A wide range of services can be obtained on Handyconnect from Catering, Ironing, Cleaning, and House chores, repairs to Tree cutting, Yard work, Gardening, Lawn mowing, Dog walking, Car detailing, Hairstyling, Deejaying, Carpentry, Plumbing, Painting, Remodeling, Handymen, Tutoring, Child caring, and Messenger services.

We believe that busy 9 to 5 workers who often must commute for more than an hour to work or always have planned activities after the close of the business end up having a pile-up of unresolved house chores which sometimes could lead to undesirable consequences over time and when they realize the urgent need to fix them thereby preventing bigger issues, they spend valuable time searching for help and often times end up with service providers without a background check, proven performance and pay more money due to absence of cost comparison.

Our aim is to alleviate the pain and help them to spend more time doing what they love doing best, save cost from cost comparison and enable handyman with background checks and performance history to offer required services.

Handyconnect is the only technology company located in Atlantic Canada that provides an online platform for getting varieties of casual jobs done with transparent pricing and a community of diligent and verified service providers.

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